Tuesday, April 3, 2012

One Green Apple

The best book I read for my author study by Eve Bunting was One Green Apple.
Bunting wrote the story from the point of view of a little Muslim immigrant girl, Farah. She doesn't know any English at all and she has a hard time communicating with her classmates or her teacher. In the story, Farah and her classmates are going on an apple picking field trip. She is very attentive to everything that is going on around her, but she is very shy to say anything.

Farah sits next to a girl named Anna, and she tries to bring Farah out of her shell.

The student are asked to pick 1 apple each for them to put into a blender and have fresh apple cider. While all her classmates pick ripe and juicy red apples, Farah picks a small green one. Her classmates object to her choice, but her teacher allows her to put it in the blender.
All the apples are blended together, and their taste is still sweet despite the green apple.

I think the green apple is symbolic for being an outcast, that we each bring our own little something, but the end product is the big picture that we need to be worrying about...

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